Michael Mapili

How many years did you attend VCS?

14 years as a student and then 6 years as an employee.

What are your best memories from your time at VCS?

Retreats, playing football on Friday nights, baseball games and having teachers who don’t just care about your grades; but how you are doing spiritually.

Did you grow in your personal faith as a result of your experiences at VCS?

I did. There are definitely teachers who I feel invested in me and I can say that I wouldn’t be where I am now had it not been for them taking time to really care about my education and my walk with God. I’m a worship leader at my church and without this school I don’t think I would be doing ministry.

Michael Mapili playing football

Please share your career and family journey since graduating.

I got married in 2017, to my wife Audrey, and we have a beautiful daughter named Hazel Quinn, and I’m the Worship Leader at Crossroads Christian Church.

What advice would you give to a student considering attending VCS?

Don’t be afraid of something different. By different, I mean the staff cares about your heart. They care about you as a person, not just a student. They care about your character and your faith. It’s something that changed my life and something I’m forever grateful for. 

Michael Mapili with daughter

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