Jake Gritten

How many years did you attend VCS?

I graduated in 2016, after attending VCS for 12 years. 

What are your best memories from your time at VCS?

The best memories I have from VCS all revolve around the relationships that were formed there. Relationships with classmates that grow day after day and year after year, friends who become like family; and also in the relationships with staff and faculty who end up turning into mentors that you can go to for anything. Whenever I reflect on my days at VCS, people are always the thing I remember most.

Did you grow in your personal faith as a result of your experiences at VCS?

I think this is where I grew the most as a student without even realizing it. In a day and age, now, where truth is a subjective thing, being taught otherwise was something I didn’t realize would be so pivotally important. With the objective truth of the Word of God being the foundation of the academic experience at VCS, now, looking back, I can see how much that helped prepare me for when my values or beliefs are challenged. That is definitely something I took for granted at the time, but now am eternally grateful for.
Child photo of Jake Gritten

Share a little about your life’s journey since graduating.

Since my time at VCS I took a few years to work and see what God had planned for me and in that time God clearly called me into ministry. I now work at the church I grew up going to (Crossroads Christian Church) as a Worship Leader, Graphic Designer, and A/V Director. I get to use the skills I learned while at VCS in Chapel Leadership, Film, and Chapel Media Arts every single day to help make Jesus known. I attribute much of this to my time at VCS; putting me on a path that led me to ministry. It is such a blessing to be able to do this vocationally, and I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

What advice would you give to a student considering attending VCS?

VCS is an incredible place for academics, but don’t think that it stops there. As well as they do academics; they do discipleship even better. The faculty care for you, and I mean really care for you; not just in your growth academically, but spiritually too. That is what is most important, and they understand that. They are disciplers first and teachers second. Don’t walk across that stage without utilizing them as such.

Jake Gritten performing during worship.

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