All School News
Literature and Ideas
I never fail to be surprised by decisions made by educational leaders here in California.

March 2024 | Vol. 2
Note from Mr. Jacobs Wow – what an honor to write to all you! If you attended in the 1970’s & 80’s may not know me, but I’ve often thought of YOU! As a history teacher and coach, I’ve always been interested in the past and I found out you had some great sport teams
Critical Thinking in our Students
I never fail to be surprised by decisions made by educational leaders here in California.
Pro-Life: Why It’s Important and How to Share With Your Children (updated Jan 2024)
Every year, thousands of people across the country will join the March for Life rally to take action and fight for the rights of the unborn. Because I support the conviction that life in the womb is worthy of protection, I am moved to share my heart with you.
Head of School Thoughts – The Importance of Logic in Education
In recent years, there has been a resurgent interest in Christian education across the country, and its focus on cultivating Godly character in students has never been more necessary. The classic virtue, fortitude, has been traditionally defined as the ability to demonstrate courage in the face of fear and uncertainty. At VCS, discussions around character, for example, happen often.
Our Brave New World – And It’s Desperate Need for Virtue
In recent years, there has been a resurgent interest in Christian education across the country, and its focus on cultivating Godly character in students has never been more necessary. The classic virtue, fortitude, has been traditionally defined as the ability to demonstrate courage in the face of fear and uncertainty. At VCS, discussions around character, for example, happen often.
VCS – Envisioning A Culture of Encouragement, Appreciation, and Gratitude
My hope is that you will find these ideas to be helpful categories in which to think, and perhaps be inspired to renew your own effort to express encouragement, appreciation and gratitude.

Robert Wyland Interview
Listen in as the VCS high school environmental club and second grade art classes interview world-renowned marine life artist, writer, photographer, filmmaker and conservationist, Robert Wyland.
Math Matters…for College and Career Earnings
From ancient Greece to the modern workforce, many have noted the importance of math proficiency. Today, success in math distinguishes top performers in a wide variety of fields.
Newer Isn’t Always Better – “Socratic Seminar” and Student Learning at VCS
Socratic Seminar is an engaging instructional format, consisting of two groups of students arranged in circles (i.e. “inner circle” and “outer circle”), in which a teacher facilitates idea-centered discussion between students on a rich, idea-stimulating text in order to increase active learning.

Enrollment Opens Soon for the 2025-26 School Year!
2025- 2026 Enrollment opens Jan 13th!