Join one of our many parent groups to meet other parents, plan events, earn H.I.S. hours and have fun!

VCS Hearts in Service (H.I.S.)
Current Volunteer Opportunities:

Athletics HIS Club Opportunities – sign up here.
Early Education HIS Club Opportunities – sign up here.
- Build Shelves/Install
- Stain Wood Sandboxes
- Build Picnic Tables
- Gardening
- Shade Installation on Playgrounds
Early Education Parent Group
Looking for opportunities to get involved with our Early Education department? Email us for current HIS Hour opportunities: eeparents@go-vcs.com

Parent Teacher
Elementary PTF
The primary function of the PTF is to coordinate and serve in special school events which promote fellowship among parents and staff. Come join us at a monthly planning meeting!
We are currently recruiting for PTF board members to serve for the 2024-25 school year. For more information, email us at: ptf@go-vcs.com.
Middle School PTF
The Middle School PTF is a group of parent volunteers that help with a wide variety of activities, such as dances and teacher appreciation events within the middle school. This is a great way to get HIS hours and connect with other parents and help promote volunteer activities for students.
If you have any questions, please email Cynthia Carlton, our PTF representative at cynthia.carlton@go-vcs.com
Find out more through our GroupMe chat.
High School PTF
Our High School PTF is a group of parents that enjoy gathering and planning special events for our students and staff!
Email us for current HIS Hour opportunities: hshypesquad@go-vcs.com
VCS Booster Club
The Booster Club is a parent-run organization that was formed to support the VCS Falcons Athletic Department and its mission to serve our student-athletes and greater VCS community.
For more information on our Boosters, our current Board or past meeting minutes, click here.