Platz Family

We are Joe, Amanda, Ellis and Ezra, and we’ve been at VCS for two years. 

What do you love about VCS?

We love the community at VCS. The faculty and families that we have encountered have been life giving and encouraging. It really does feel like a family.

Why did you choose VCS for your children?

We were on the fence between public school and private school until we toured the campus. My husband was sold on the academic excellence as well as the arts and media programs available. I was excited to know that our children would also be growing in the Word and in their own faith. Not to mention, the extended care program that sealed the deal for our family.

Platz Family

In what ways have you seen your children grow in their faith since coming to VCS?

Our children have been more open to praying out loud, coming home with new worship songs that they are in love with, and memorizing the Word to hold within their hearts.

What is the one word your family would use to describe the Vacaville Christian School experience?


What would you tell other parents who are considering enrolling their children at VCS?

If you are looking for more than a school, join the VCS family!

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